Shadowrun 6 - 1.6.x
This release features the content of some supplements (English and German), as well as a first attempt on a specific Foundry VTT export.
Data from “Power Plays”
“Power Plays” adds several new qualities that add flavour to your character, if (s)he has a corporate background. Some of them even influence charatcer creation and derived values - for example “Charismatic Defense” lets you use Charisma instead of Body for your defense rating.
(This content is currently only available in english.)
Data from german supplements
New gear has been introduced in the german mini PDF “Datapuls: Marienbad” and the free 3 pages PDF covering the topic of police forces.
Export for our Foundry VTT game system
Development started to provide a game system for the “Foundry Virtual TableTop”. (In very early stages.)
This release provides a special JSON export, suitable for the “Import Data” feature in Foundry. (How To)
Please note that to get the latest export feature, you need to use the Development of Genesis, available for our supporters on Patreon . Once released, all functionality will be available in the regular version.
All updates
The complete list of issues that has been worked on