


This release includes the content from the new setting book “Astral Ways” and some bugfixes of more annoying bugs.


Astral Ways

A bit unexpected, but this book contains vehicles and weapons of specific metaplanes, a new playable species, spells for metaplanar gates, a new metamagic and some details more.



COM6-212 Astral Ways


COM6-211 Max. Magic/Resonance rating not modified by Initiation/Submersion

COM6-216 Some qualities, adept powers or gear breaks character creation

COM6-218 Cannot open finalized characters that did not use Priority generation

COM6-219 Career: "Pay gear in career mode" not taken into account when trying to buy items

COM6-220 Cannot use cyber lower-leg or other things that grant non-integer modifications to attributes

COM6-221 KarmaGen: Selecting complex forms for technomancers not possible

COM6-222 Adept Power section: Add and delete buttons without functionality

Version 0.10.1


COM6-256 Filter foreign language only mentor spirits from choice dialog


COM6-211 Max. Magic/Resonance rating not modified by Initiation/Submersion

COM6-223 When selecting power points, requirements don't show up in the listcell of the available power

COM6-224 JSON export generates a file with a .pdf suffix

COM6-225 PointBuy: cannot increase attribute to racial limit >6

COM6-255 CharGen: Racial attributes not detected correctly

COM6-258 Priority: When finalizing creation mode and reopening the char in career mode, Karma and Magic is wrong

COM6-259 Priority: (Still) Wrong calculation of power points for mystic adepts

COM6-260 Changing rules with a drop down has no effect

COM6-261 Attribute table: Name column way too small

COM6-263 Generic JSON export: Fail on some armor pieces

COM6-264 Chargen: After exiting a character without saving, the character is not displayed/calculated correctly

COM6-265 Mystic adepts: Display decisions for mentor spirit quality correctly

COM6-266 Exceptional attribute cannot be taken more than once

COM6-267 Cannot increase exceptional attributes

Version 0.10.2


COM6-268 Added missing PDF library feature (Interpreted)

Version 0.10.3


Exporting to PDF did not work at all

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