

This is primarily a content release, not a bugfix release. Two months were necessary to support the gear rules and content from “Double Clutch” and that hopefully worked out. We will surely have more bugfix releases the next weeks - because there are waiting a lot of reported bugs to be fixed and because the vehicle modification is a very complicated piece of work to deal with.


Double Clutch

More drones and vehicles to chose from. More modifications for your vehicles.

Modify your hardpoints

New qualities and edge actions.

What is not there yet, is the custom vehicle generator. That will come in a later release.

Datapuls “SOTA 2082”
Datapuls “Westphalen”

Includes gear from the two german supplements

Foundry VTT Export

You can now export your characters as Foundry VTT actors.

Minor Improvements & Bugfixes

On the edit screen for gear free and max. slot sizes are now better formatted.

Bugfix for the “CARRIED is not a supported CarryMode” message
Bugfix for custom rules changes not having an effect.
Bugfix for metamagic “Item Attunement” not having an effect on the pool

Fixed in 0.12.1

  • COM6-316 Anti-Theft accessory multiplies in vehicles

  • COM6-317 Factory-added accessories should not consume modification slots

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