Price of the skilljack

Price of the skilljack


The price of the skilljack in Genesis is Rating x 1,000. This is intentional.

Prices for the skilljack differ in the international and german version of the core rulebook.



This is not a bug, but a decision made by the german publisher.

Since Genesis is heavily supported by the german publisher Pegasus, we will keep the german price for the augmentation.


You have the following options to deal with this, if you want to pay the higher prices

  1. During creation: Hold back the Nuyen difference (Rating x19,000) - don’t spend it. When finishing your character, you will get a warning that you have unspent Nuyen, but you can ignore it. The Nuyen is capped at the maximum limit you can take into career mode - possibly still a bit too much.
    You can add a reward with negative Nuyen to compensate, if you want.

  2. During career: Add a reward with negative Nuyen to compensate.

  3. During career and creation: Create a custom datafile for the skilljack with the price of your choice and add the following XML:

    <item avail="4" cost="20000" id="myskilljack" maxrat="6" rate="true" ratemul="PRICE CAPACITY"> <useas type="CYBERWARE" subtype="CYBER_HEADWARE" ess="0.1"/> <modifications> <itemhookmod hook="SKILLJACK" capacity="2"/> </modifications> </item>

Be aware that using custom data prevents your character to be loaded anywhere else but on your machine.

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