Custom Data

Custom Data

Starting with version 1.7.0, Commlink supports user defined custom data.

Location of your custom data directory

To locate the directory for customizations, go to your settings and look for the “Log directory” and replace the “logs” directory with a directory named “custom”.


In the example above, the custom data directory would be /home/prelle/CommLink6/custom .

Content of the custom data directory

Within that directory there are should be at least two things:

  • One or more property files named input_<locale>.properties
    They contain the custom descriptions you directly enter in the application

  • a directory named default

The “default” directory

For the time being, the default directory is where you create your content. It follows this structure:

default/ - data - gear_bla.xml - gear_foo.xml - ... - i18n - default.properties

Within a data directory (you need to create), you can place your XML files.
Within the i18n directory you can place translation files ( e.g. default.properties or default_de.properties)

The XML files

To understand how the XML files are structured (we neither have a DTD nor a schema), have a look at the official data from the CRB here . You can also cross-read some explanations here in the Wiki .

Every XML file must only store on kind of data - e.g. only gear, just spells … To tell Commlink exactly what kind of data to expect it currently evaluates the filename.

  • gear_ loads gear

  • more to come

At the time of writing, only gear is supported.