Nearly all data items in Commlink allow attaching a set of modifications along with them.
When coming from gear, you can make use of variables, like $RATING
All modifications need to have a target - usually either the piece of gear a modification belongs to or the character itself. You can use the
-Attribute (CHARACTER, DATA_ITEM, PERSONA, UNARMED) to define the target explicitly. If you omit the attribute, Commlink tries to guess the target by inspecting thetype
-AttributeAttribute and skill values distinguish different value types. If you want to modify a value, you can use the set-Attribute to define which attribute to change
a NATURAL value - everything bought with Karma
an AUGMENTED value (DEFAULT) - usually boni given my bodyware or powers
an ARTIFICIAL value - a totally alternate value, like coming from a cyberlimb or a skillsoft
Change the character attributes
The apply=”CHARACTER” indicates that the modification is intended for the character. If the attribute is missing, type=”ATTRIBUTE” is sufficient to be interpreted as a character modification
<!-- Add a modification to the matrix initiative dice depending on the rating, but look up in a table -->
<valmod type="ATTRIBUTE" ref="INITIATIVE_DICE_MATRIX" value="$RATING" table="1,1,1,2,2,3" apply="CHARACTER" />
Add items in the characters inventory
<!-- Add the Hermes Ikon commlink in the characters inventory ->
<itemmod type="GEAR" ref="hermes_ikon" apply="CHARACTER"/>
<!-- Add a security tag in the "stealth_tag" variant in the inventory -->
<itemmod type="GEAR" ref="security_tag" variant="stealth_tag" apply="CHARACTER"/>
<!-- Add an item that requires one or more decisions in the inventory -->
<itemmod type="GEAR" ref="jammer" variant="area" apply="CHARACTER">
<decision choice="720ed738-46d2-4124-bd6f-5ed62025be20" value="6"/>
<decision choice="720ed738-46d2-4124-bd6f-5ed62025b345" value="STANDARD"/>
Create accessory slots
<!-- Add a SKILLJACK slot with a capacity of Ratingx2 -->
<valmod type="HOOK" ref="SKILLJACK" value="$RATING*2"/>
Pre-installed accessories
<!-- Install a 'soundlink' accessoriy in the INTERNAL slot of the data item and treat it as "included in the stats" ->
<embed type="GEAR" ref="soundlink" intoType="HOOK" intoRef="INTERNAL" included="true" apply="DATA_ITEM"/>
Change test related behaviour
<!-- Gain 1 (bankable) Edge whenever a perception check is made ->
<checkmod type="SKILL" ref="perception" value="1" what="EDGE"/>
<!-- Eventually gain 1 (bankable) Edge when an athletics check is made -->
<checkmod type="SKILL" ref="athletics" value="1" what="EDGE" cond="true"/>
Special: Modifications to the characters unarmed attack
The unarmed attack is a virtual weapon of a character. To address it use applyTo=”UNARMED”
<valmod type="ITEM_ATTRIBUTE" ref="DAMAGE" value="1" apply="UNARMED"/>