Custom Descriptions

Custom Descriptions

Do you want to get rid of that text? If so,

  1. Locate the “custom” directory on your computer
    Easiest way is to open the settings, open the “Log directory”, change into the parent directory and than into the “custom” directory.

  2. Write your Java properties file
    The property file format is document here and here. It basically is a plain text file with “key = value” pairs.
    If you have properties file written for Genesis you can re-use them. Some identifiers changed, so it won’t be a 100% match, but at least a good start.

  3. Place your properties files in the “custom” directory
    All files must have the suffix “.properties”. Commlink will try to load all property files it sees.
    You can have multiple files depending on your language setting.
    foobar_de.properties will be used if Commlink is set to German
    foobar_en.properties will be used if Commlink is set to Englisch
    foobar.properties will be used as a fallback, if specific language versions are not found


Usually all text you enter is formatted as one large paragraph or regular text. There is a limited subset of HTML tags for formatting.

  • <br/> inserts a line break

  • <em> (closing with </em>) formats the text in slanted letters (you can also use <i>)

  • <b> (closing with </b>) formats the text bold

  • \u2022 produces a bullet point


quality.ar_vertigo.desc=Whether it's just too much information, a focal issue in your visual field, or just an inability to focus when there's so much to look at, you get dizzy and nauseated when utilizing AR.<br/><br/>\ \u2022 <b>Bonus:</b> 10 Karma<br/>\u2022 <b>Game Effect:</b> You cannot gain or spend Edge while utilizing AR of any sort. You also gain the Nauseated status (p. 52) while using AR and for one hour after you exit it.


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