XML data structures
All “Data Items” in Commlink support a common XML structure.
<dataitemname id="identifier" lang="language">
(MANDATORY) is a machine usable string consisting of letters, numbers and the _ symbol and must start with a letter. Preferable it is the lowercase name of the item, whitespaces replaced with _ .lang
(OPTIONAL) can limit the data to be used for a specific language, e.g. when an dataitem differs in US and DE rules<choices>
(OPTIONAL) contain selections of a specific type the user has to make. The decision made in those choices will be available in the following blocks.<requires>
(OPTIONAL) contains requirement for the data item<modifications>
(OPTIONAL) contain - Surprise! - modifications that this data item makes to the parent container (e.g. the character or the item)
All this elements are optional, so it is possible that one, only one or all a present.
Not all item types will expect all of the mentioned types.
The concrete data element then has additional attributes or XML elements. E.g. the quality “Social Stress” from the Core Rulebook:
<quality id="social_stress" karma="8" pos="false" type="NORMAL">
<choice type="TEXT" uuid="93911833-2a2c-418b-b610-4894779879bf"/>
<valmod type="SKILL" ref="con" value="0" set="EDGE_USAGE" />
<valmod type="SKILL" ref="influence" value="0" set="EDGE_USAGE" />
I18N for data items
To get language specific display names, page references and descriptions, translatable I18N keys are derived from the data item. Each data item has a type key (defined by @DataItemTypeKey in the source code annotation). This key is often identical to the Shadowrun name of the data item - e.g. “quality” for qualities (see https://bitbucket.org/rpgframework-cloud/shadowrun-common/src/master/Shadowrun%20Common%20Core/src/main/java/de/rpgframework/shadowrun/Quality.java )
Commlink expects the following i18n keys to be present:
Key | Meaning | Example for “quality” |
<datatype>.<itemid> | Display name of the item | quality.allergy=Allergy |
<datatype>.<itemid>.page | Page reference | quality.allergy.page=74 |
<datatype>.<itemid>.desc | Fulltext description | quality.allergy.desc=Maybe it\u2019s a runny nose … |
<datatype>.<itemid>.short | Short description |
Choices are meant to be displayed to the user along with a list of possible options to select from. They (usually) require that all options to choose from must be of the same type.
The following attributes are supported:
(MANDATORY) refers to the kind of data - e.h. an character attribute, a quality ...uuid
(MANDATORY) must include a valid UUID that is at least unique within the data item.options
(OPTIONAL) should be present when you want to limit the choice to some items (e.g. not "pick any skill" but "pick one of the skills electronics or tasking"). It contains a comma-separated list of identifiers.ref
(OPTIONAL) contains the identifier used for building i18n translation identifiers (see sub-selection example below)neg
(OPTIONAL) to express a negation of given options ("select any skill but ...")count
(OPTIONAL) to define how many selections are possible (default is "1").
Not used for Shadowrun (yet?)distribute (OPTIONAL) - a comma separated list of integers, for cases where specific values need to be assigned (“assign +3,+3 and +1 to the following skills …”)
Example: Adept Power “Improved Ability”
<power id="improved_ability" cost="0.5" hasLevel="true" act="PASSIVE">
<choice type="SKILL" uuid="05054102-0183-482a-9e2b-84bc8d5f153f" options="athletics,biotech,con,conjuring,cracking,electronics,engineering,influence,outdoors,perception,piloting,stealth" />
<valmod type="SKILL" ref="CHOICE" choice="05054102-0183-482a-9e2b-84bc8d5f153f" value="1" />
<valuereq type="SKILL" ref="CHOICE" choice="05054102-0183-482a-9e2b-84bc8d5f153f" value="1" apply="CHARACTER"/>
Choices with sub-selections
Some data items require the user to make decisions not related to specific data types, but choose from a list of options only related to the data item itself. Like for the “Allergy” quality in SR6, you not only want to enter a name, but you need to pick a trigger and a severity. In this case
needs to be "SUBSELECT"the
-attribute needs to be present and contain an identifier of your choice
If that is given, the <choice> element may have multiple <subOption>
Example of choices with sub-options
<quality id="allergy" karma="2" pos="false" type="NORMAL" multi="true">
<choice type="SUBSELECT" ref="allergen" uuid="55a6dda7-7565-4108-9a04-65b7607081df">
<subOption id="rare" cost="0" />
<subOption id="uncommon" cost="3" />
<subOption id="seasonal" cost="6" />
<subOption id="common" cost="9" />
<choice type="SUBSELECT" ref="severity" uuid="b3cd035c-f2c3-4c56-abcd-9a218954d92a">
<subOption id="mild" cost="0" />
<subOption id="moderate" cost="3" />
<subOption id="severe" cost="6" />
<subOption id="extreme" cost="9" />
<choice type="TEXT" ref="description" uuid="6a8484c5-043d-4ec7-bbb2-f56d3c51f72b" />
elements are data items themselves, which means they can have <modifications> of their own. That usually isn’t expected and likely not supported - consult the developers.
Example of sub-options with modifications
<quality id="dermal_alteration" karma="3" pos="true" type="METAGENIC" cat="COMPLEX_TRAITS" >
<choice type="SUBSELECT" ref="variant" uuid="0180ba51-5b30-471d-bdba-5e2482b8440d">
<subOption id="bark" cost="1">
<!-- ToDo -->
<subOption id="blubber" >
<!-- ToDo ? Kälteangriffe -->
<subOption id="camouflage_basic" cost="2">
<checkmod ref="stealth" type="SKILL" what="BONUS" value="1"/>
I18N for sub-selections
The i18n keys extend the regular data item keys by adding the identifier from the ref-attribute and the identifier from the <subOption>
Key | Meaning | Example for “quality” |
<datatype>.<itemid>.choice.<ref> | Name of the selection to make | quality.allergy.choice.allergen=Trigger |
<datatype>.<itemid>.choice.<ref>.<subOptionId> | Name of the sub-option to display | quality.allergy.choice.allergen.rare=Rare |
<datatype>.<itemid>.choice.<ref>.<subOptionId>.desc | Fulltext description of the suboption | quality.allergy.choice.allergen.rare.desc=E.g. Precious metals,e … |
With requirements you can define under which circumstances the specific data item is valid to pick for the character. The following definitions are supported:
- defines the requirement regarding the existence of something<valuereq>
- defines the requirement regarding a rating of something<selreq>
- defines a list of requirements where it is sufficient that one of the requirements is fulfilled.
Basics: Adressing the target of the requirement
Often it is clear WHAT/WHO is required to fulfill the requirement - to be precise the context matters. If an accessory added to a weapon has a requirement, this usually refers to the weapon it is applied to. Sometimes it may be necessary to define another targets.
The applyTo=
attribute, while optional, should be used to explicitly define who is addressed with a requirement. See here for valid values.
Use this tag when you want to express that either a specific data item must be present (or may not be present) in the target or that an attribute has an exact value.
Valid attributes:
(OPTIONAL) - see abovetype
(MANDATORY) - type of data that is requiredref
(MANDATORY) - identifier of the itemneg (OPTIONAL) - boolean - valid values are “true” or “false” (default).
If set to true, the non-existence of the data is required.
<!-- The character must be mundane -->
<datareq type="MAGIC_RESO" ref="mundane" apply="CHARACTER"/>
<!--The item can only be used on a specific drone -->
<datareq type="GEAR" ref="cyberspace_designs_quadrotor" apply="DATA_ITEM"/>
This is similiar to <datareq>, but has some additional features that allow you to test for the levels on the referenced field.
Valid attributes:
(OPTIONAL) - see abovetype
(MANDATORY) - type of data that is requiredref
(MANDATORY) - identifier of the item - or “CHOICE” when referring to an user decision.choice
(OPTIONAL) - refers to a decision made in a <choice> elementvalue
(OPTIONAL) - the minimum value of the referenced data.
Usually an integer number, but in case of gear this can be an item attribute variable (prefixed with a $)max
(OPTIONAL) - likevalue
but the maximum value
<!-- Requires the resonance attribute to be at least 2 -->
<valuereq type="ATTRIBUTE" ref="RESONANCE" value="2" apply="CHARACTER"/>
<!-- Requires a previously selected skill to be at least 1 -->
<valuereq type="SKILL" ref="CHOICE" choice="05054102-0183-482a-9e2b-84bc8d5f153f" value="1" apply="CHARACTER"/>
<!-- requires the STRENGTH of the character to match a selected rating -->
<item id="bow" price="100" type="WEAPON_RANGED" subtype="BOWS">
<choice uuid="adeb159c-6ca3-407b-8641-c76f9b29a49c" type="ITEM_ATTRIBUTE" ref="RATING" options="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14"/>
<valuereq type="ATTRIBUTE" ref="STRENGTH" value="$RATING" apply="CHARACTER"/>
Use this select requirement when you want to define a list of requirements where only one of them must be fulfilled.
<!-- This quality can not be taken by mundanes or Resonance users -->
<quality id="astral_hazing_non_awakened" karma="8" pos="true" type="METAGENIC" cat="METAGENIC_ANOMALIES">
<datareq type="MAGIC_RESO" ref="mundane" apply="CHARACTER" />
<datareq type="MAGIC_RESO" ref="technomancer" apply="CHARACTER"/>
This is the most common building block of Commlinks data items. With modifications you express all changes made to data (characters, gear …)
- Allow something otherwise forbidden<checkmod>
- modify tests on attributes, skills, ...<costmod>
- modify edge costs of actions<embed>
- put a piece of gear in an accessory slot of the parent item<itemmod>
- Add some data item (e.g. a quality to the character)<recommod>
- Recommend the usage of something<relevancemod>
- Mark the target as being relevant for a specific topic<valmod>
- Add points to a specific numeric value
Common attributes to all modifications
- Type of object that the modification deals withapply
- To which target will the modification apply (valid values)when
- If restricted, is this modification only valid during chargen or career? (valid values)
( This is not really made use of in Commlink)cond
- A string that defines the circumstances when the condition applies. Not yet implemented
<itemmod> - DataItemModification
DataItemModifications are used to add something - usually to characters.
Their additional attributes are:
(MANDATORY)- Identifier of the object added (type-Attribute is here mandatory too).
The keyword “CHOICE” will tell that a previous decision is to be usedvariant
(OPTIONAL) - Identifier of a gear variantchoice
(OPTIONAL) - UUID of the previous decisionremove
(OPTIONAL) - Boolean. If set to "true", the item isn't added but removedoptions
(OPTIONAL) - for ref="CHOICE", overwrite the <choice options=""> attributemode
(OPTIONAL) - Identifier of mode when the modification applies - Not implemented yetid
(OPTIONAL) - UUID. May be used to identify automatically added elements - e.g. like a lifestyle added to a character - and therefore prevent duplicate additions
DataItemModifications with premade decisions
Some items you want to add somewhere needs to be configured with decisions for <choice> elements. To achieve this, you can add any number of <decision>
elements as children to a DataItemModification.
A decision has two attributes: choice
(with the referenced choice's UUID) and a value
<!-- Add adept power "Traceless walk" (to character)
<itemmod type="ADEPT_POWER" ref="traceless_walk" />
<!-- Remove the quality "Honorbound" (from the character) -->
<itemmod type="QUALITY" ref="honorbound" remove="true"/>
<!-- Add the "Stealth Tag" variant of a security tag to the character ->
<itemmod type="GEAR" ref="security_tag" variant="stealth_tag" apply="CHARACTER"/>
<!-- Add a specific "Allergy" quality instance (to the character) -->
<!-- The UUIDs refer to those defined in the choice elements of the quality -->
<itemmod type="QUALITY" ref="allergy">
<decision choice="55a6dda7-7565-4108-9a04-65b7607081df" value="common" />
<decision choice="b3cd035c-f2c3-4c56-abcd-9a218954d92a" value="mild" />
<decision choice="6a8484c5-043d-4ec7-bbb2-f56d3c51f72b" value="pollutants" />
<valmod> - ValueModifications
ValueModifications are special variants of DataItemModifications with additional attributes
(MANDATORY) - the numeric value of the attribute/skill to set.set
(OPTIONAL) - for attributes and skills, define if you want to change the "AUGMENTED" or the "ARTIFICIAL" value - or define a "MAX"imumtable
(OPTIONAL) - a comma-separated list of values. Use the evaluated value-Attribute as an index to lookup the real value
<!-- Grant one level of the adept power "Danger Sense" (to the character) -->
<valmod type="ADEPT_POWER" ref="danger_sense" value="1" />
<!-- Add an accessory hook for cybereye implants with the capacity of 4 (to the character) -->
<valmod type="HOOK" ref="CYBEREYE_IMPLANT" value="4"/>
<!-- Use a $RATING attribute of the item to lookup the value
which is to be added to the initiatve dice for matrix (of the character) -->
<!-- <choice uuid="66b37416-6996-48b8-87f0-17b28dc44df1" type="ITEM_ATTRIBUTE" ref="RATING" options="1,2,3,4,5,6"/> -->
<valmod type="ATTRIBUTE" ref="INITIATIVE_DICE_MATRIX" value="$RATING" table="1,1,1,2,2,3"/>
EmbedModifications are special variants of DataItemModifications with additional attributes
(MANDATORY) - the type of item to which the item shall be addedintoRef
(MANDATORY) - the identifier of the item to which the item shall be addedincluded
(OPTIONAL, Default: false) - if TRUE, treat the embedded item as already belonging to the statsnocap
(OPTIONAL, Default: false) - if TRUE, treat the embedded item as not counting to a capacity limit, should such exist.link
(OPTIONAL) - A UUID. Only used when ref="LINK"
<!-- Embed the item "Image Link" into the INTERNAL hook of the current data item. -->
<!-- Treat the accessory as already included in the parent item stats-->
<embed type="GEAR" ref="image_link" intoType="HOOK" intoRef="INTERNAL" included="true" apply="DATA_ITEM"/>
<!-- Add the chosen program into the INTERNAL hook -->
<embed type="PROGRAM" ref="CHOICE" choice="fcc63c09-5af7-4f00-a2d9-d7c0972597da" intoType="HOOK" intoRef="INTERNAL" included="true"/>
AllowModifications are special variants of DataItemModifications with additional attributes. They are used to allow options otherwise forbidden (like magical skills for mundane users)
(OPTIONAL, Default: false) - Forbid instead of Allow
EmbedModifications are special variants of ValueModifications with additional attributes. Used mostly to define Edge modifications
(OPTIONAL) - Defines what the value influences. Allowed values are:BONUS : Add hits to a roll result
DICE : Add dice to the pool
REDUCE_THRESHOLD : Reduce the threshold for something
EDGE: How much Edge (that can be kept for a longer time) is gained
EDGE_ONLY_TEST: How much Edge (that must be spent for the test) is gained
USAGE : Making a test is allowed at all
EDGE_COST_MALUS: Reduce the cost for Edge Actions
EDGE_BOOST: Change the cost for Edge Boosts
REPLACE_WITH_WILD: How many dice from the pool should be converted to wild die
NOT_SPEND_EDGE : May not spend Edge on this test - ignores the value field
NOT_EARN_EDGE : May not gain Edge on this test - ignores the value field
OTHER : Has no special effect, but is a placeholder for everything not covered above
<!-- When making "Outdoors" checks gain 1 point edge that must be spent immidiately -->
<checkmod type="SKILL" ref="outdoors" value="1" what="EDGE_ONLY_TEST"/>
<!-- When making "Athletics" check, gain 1 point of Edge -->
<checkmod type="SKILL" ref="athletics" value="1" what="EDGE"/>
<!-- May not spend Edge for any checks that include the LOGIC attribute -->
<checkmod type="ATTRIBUTE" ref="LOGIC" value="0" what="NOT_SPEND_EDGE" />