Importing characters from Genesis
You can import characters from the Genesis character generation software. This eliminates the need to enter all character data in our Foundry VTT character sheet.
While we are at this early stage of development, it may be necessary to repeat the export/import process when the game system is updated.
Step 1: Use Genesis to export your character
When running Genesis, select your character and choose to print it. Instead of the preselected PDF export, select the “Shadowrun6 Foundry Export”. This will create a file named Actor_<charname>.json in the selected directory.
Step 2: Create a player character actor in Foundry
Depending on the permissions either the gamemaster or you need to create an Actor of type “Player” in Foundry.
Step 3: Import JSON for actor
Right click (or whatever triggers the context menu) on your actor and select “Import Data”
In the upcoming dialog, locate the exported JSON file
Hit “Import”
Importing a character completely throws away any current data in the Actor and replaces it with those from the import.