This version should have presented an interface to an online service for character synchronization, but the first release candidate showed more testing is needed, so I decided to disable this feature for now ..😬
Remarkable changes
Additional PDF export: D&D alike
This is an attempt to help new SR6 players coming from D&D 5E to not be overwhelmed by the character sheet. By only focusing on essential information for new players, this sheet manages to be only one page long.
In addition we modeled it to copy the sheet layout from D&D.
German Translation of “Body Shop”
I got the german PDF late, so the german translation was not included in release 1.4.
Thanks to contributors from the community, who provided the german translation and gave me room to work on other things.
“Kechibi Code” and “No Future”
Content from both publications was missing in Commlink and has been added.
Warning: “No Future” is still only halfway finished - don’t use “Stolen Gear” or contact qualities yet
Different levels of play
Sometimes you want to create runners with more or less experience. The Sixth World Companion introduced Elite Runner and Street Level runner and how they differ for the creation rules.
Commlink now supports that.
Custom rule for “used” cultured bioware
By definition cultured bioware is tailed for a specific metahuman and can not be used by others. But since “Body Shop” one interpretation for “used” is “low quality manufacturing”, which would allow this.
We introduced a configurable rule for this.
New metatype illustrations
The Tandoran (from Astral Ways) and one illustration of an AI (used for Pilot and Agent AI) from Benjamin Giletti
German Translation for “Astrale Pfade” (Astral Ways)
COM6-616 PrioCharGen: Metatype E has some metatypes wrong
COM6-633 Add missing thermographic and low-light vision to Duende metavariant
COM6-634 PDF: Printing empty sheets does not render Magic or Resonance correctly
COM6-635 Career: Buying Fake SINs/licenses does not reduce Nuyen
COM6-637 PDF: Cannot print matrix page when MTOC is used
COM6-638 UI: Edit contact dialog has wrong title
COM6-639 UI: Adding a new contact dialog disables OK button when data is present
COM6-641 Reduce price of skilljack ("Talentbuchse") for german users to 1,000xRating
COM6-642 Quality "Sinner" has no effect in career mode
COM6-643 Career: Buying spells does cost neither Nuyen nor Karma
COM6-644 Spelling - 'loose' instead of 'lose'
COM6-645 UI: Missing translation title for wizard page with priority table
COM6-648 Add missing translation strings for item subtypes
COM6-649 Implant weapons in cyberarms mess up essence calculation
COM6-655 Career: Adding a complex form should reduce Karma
COM6-656 Fixed price for the "Demolisher" nanites
COM6-666 Wrong language costs in career mode
COM6-667 UI: Character Sheet View: Don't list freshly added language skills twice
COM6-668 Having Binoculars, optical prevents Foundry JSON export
COM6-669 Absorbtion metamagic uses wrong prerequisite
COM6-672 After removing "In Debt" quality character is treated as if quality is still present (until reload)
COM6-681 Attribute maximum of Magic/Resonance not raised on submersion/initiation
COM6-682 Missing implementation for selecting a spell category (e.g. in foci)
COM6-273 Drugs from Body Shop
COM6-610 JSON: Foundry export missing weapon data
COM6-636 Allow increasing/decreasing count on all gear items
COM6-640 UI: Change visuals of listed qualities
COM6-650 Career: Warn if requirements of qualities are not fulfilled anymore after making changes to a character
COM6-651 Re-create essence and essence hole handling
COM6-652 Enforce qualities to have UUIDs
COM6-662 Firing Squad errata
COM6-679 Add german translation of "Astral Ways" = "Astrale Pfade"
COM6-680 Linked PDF Viewer: Add scrollbars to viewed page
COM6-540 Add data from No Future
COM6-542 Add data from enhanced fiction
COM6-543 Add data from Kechibi Code
COM6-617 Support different levels of play
COM6-646 German translation of "Body Shop" (thanks to "Blitz | Micha")
COM6-647 Add rule option for disallowing "used" cultured bioware (Omegaware still possible)
COM6-683 Add illustration for Tandoran and Pilot/Agent-AI
COM6-684 PDF: Detailed vehicle element does not print accessories/modfications
COM6-685 Prevent duplicating "Anti-Theft 1" modification on vehicles
COM6-686 Deleting a cyberware generated repeating error
COM6-688 Fix a NullPointerException when deleting gear
COM6-687 Improve rendering linked PDFs
COM6-689 UI: When removing gear in career mode, you can choose to UNDO or TRASH the bought gear
COM6-676 Add missing rating to gear names
COM6-690 Fixed essence requirements for Cyborg, Cyberpsychosis and "More machine than metahuman" from &WC
COM6-692 Auto-Added image-link reduces capacity of cybereyes
COM6-695 Assistant: Could not add cyberlimbs or other augmentations with variants
COM6-696 Distinguish between hacking and RCC program "encryption"
COM6-697 Career: Printing a char directly after making changes to it, leads to several miscalculated stats
COM6-698 Wrong effects for "Skill Hardwires" (Body Shop)
COM6-700 Wrong matrix attribute calculation for non-technomancers without a cyberdeck or just a cyberdeck
COM6-701 Bonus to physical monitor from exoware is missing
COM6-702 Quality "Neoteny" (6WC) does not round down when calculating physical monitor
COM6-703 Don't include conditional attribute bonus as augmented attribute value
COM6-706 "No Rules" chargen: Selecting a specialization AND expertise at creation should be allowed
COM6-707 Custom maximum availability ignored on creation
COM6-708 Added action selector for "Myonuclear Permanence"
COM6-709 Hacker PACK's cyberdecks are now correctly headware
COM6-711 Headware versions of matrix devices not detected for Persona
COM6-712 Broken Nuyen re-calculation for some items with user-added accessories
COM6-713 Items with a count>1 get their cost multiplied two times
COM6-714 Add missing RCC headware from Double Clutch
COM6-605 PDF: Layout improvements for large number of qualities
COM6-691 Better requirement text in the list of qualities when selecting a quality
COM6-693 Add a search bar to modification selector
COM6-699 PDF: Not only write dice pool for skillwires, but skill value too
COM6-704 D&D: Improve Vehicle/Drone and Contacts section labels
COM6-705 Better handle effects of Simsense Overdrive
COM6-710 Better handle nested PACKs (PACKs that contain a PACK)