This release features around new content and some quality of life improvements. We also started some rearranging on the PDF export.
Easy Come, Easy Go
The setting book for the upcoming Shadowrun missions covers New Orleans and has some gear for fighting vampires, vehicles (for the swamp) and qualities.
Core Rulebook “Berlin” City Edition
The new printing of the core rulebook this time covers the Berlin sprawl.
Included are the Berlin qualities.
We also moved all City edition content into decidated publications, so you can select what/if you want to play with it
Bugs fixed
COM6-591 Wrong price for ultrasound sensor
COM6-599 Fix missing translation strings for config options when selecting the type of history log
COM6-600 Invalid reference to ITEM_ATTRIBUTE ...
COM6-601 Vehicle mod "Elemental hardening" lets Commlink crash
COM6-602 Correct filtering of options in choice dialog
COM6-603 Fix some vehicle accessory slots with weapon mounts/launchers
COM6-604 PDF: Cannot export characters with Grapple Tapper
COM6-606 Cannot add accessories that require choosing a variant (e.g. basic programs)
COM6-607 Export to Foundry crashes on gear that can be used as weapon and armor
COM6-608 Duende not available in priority based systems