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This is the first release after starting the Beta test and it includes a lot of bugfixes. In addition to that we add the data from two supplement books.


Image Added

Krime Katalog

Gear - more of everything. Guns, Vehicles, Ammunition … we added a lot of stuff

Collapsing Now

The Threat-Book contains a few pieces of gear and an adept power.

User Interface Improvements / Flickering

Your feedback indicates that there are some users affected by our frosted glass transparent backgrounds - leading to flickering and sometimes UI elements not being usable. As a workaround, we introduced an option to disable the transparency effect.
You find this option on the settings page.

There was also a sluggish performance on the Contacts page of the assistant, which should be better now.

Image Added

Version 1.1.1

Bugs fixed in 1.1.1

COM6-484 Contacts: Problems with max loyalty/rating detection

COM6-485 Krime Thumper is missing accessory slots

COM6-486 Can't open characters that have been created using "No rules"

COM6-487 Career: Characters not created with priority system don't show correct attribute values

COM6-488 Selecting drake body type causes problems in No Rules generator

COM6-489 PrioGen: Adding skill specialization adds skill point, refund does nothing

COM6-491 Career: Not all effects (e.g. from metamagics) are taken into account

COM6-495 NoRules: Adept power points not managable

COM6-496 When selecting an adept power, double-clicking on the selectable power produces an error dialog

COM6-498 Camouflage (7pt) SURGE quality has incorrect cost

COM6-499 Treat essence loss as a natural modifier, fixing magic/resonance value

COM6-500 No Rules: UI broken for Magic/Resonance selection in assistant

COM6-501 Allow more than max 6 qualities in No Rules mode


COM6-497 Character screen: Layout improvements for adept powers

Version 1.1.0


COM6-455 Ammotypes are not labelled properly

COM6-456 Adding ammotypes to ammunition freezes Commlink

COM6-457 Firearms slot "internal" ist not shown in modification dialog

COM6-468 Missing translation for qualitysorttype.quality_path

COM6-469 Printing failed for characters with rituals

COM6-470 Printing failed (Weapons without assigned skill specializations)

COM6-471 Capacity wrong for items with rating tables (e.g. cyberears)

COM6-473 Martial Arts not working in career mode

COM6-474 Translations needed in Armor box of character sheet

COM6-475 Fix capacity of Chemical Seal armor mod

COM6-476 Career: Invalid essence calculation

COM6-479 Fix bug preventing browsing qualities in library

COM6-481 Some adept powers (like "Improved Reflexes") have no effect

COM6-482 Metatype drop down in character screen is nonfunctional

COM6-483 poor performance on Contacts page

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira




jqlQueryfixVersion = 10271 AND issuetype IN (10057,10058,10059,10061,10062)